
Meet your trainers

The experienced dog trainers at Sit Pretty have a shared passion for animals, force-free, science based training and an eagerness to help clients develop a respectful and loving relationship with their pet.


Vanessa Charbonneau

Owner/Head Trainer

As a force-free dog trainer, based in Prince George, BC, Vanessa is eager to use her knowledge and skill set to aid clients in shaping the family pet they’ve always wanted.

While on a journey helping her own dog Kaslo with his dog reactivity, Vanessa has developed a passion for working with dogs with reactivity. Her life with Kaslo has provided her with unique insight into the daily difficulties that come with living with a reactive dog. This experience leaves her better able to help clients help their dogs live more successfully in this big, messy world.

Vanessa has focused her continuing education on fear, aggression and reactivity so she can help these dogs, who are often misunderstood and mislabeled.

  • Animals have been an integral part of Vanessa’s life, starting from a very young age. As a child her immense passion for horses and riding consumed every waking moment. Joining the Campbell Valley Pony Club at the age of 12 led her into the world of competitive 3-day-eventing.

    Her father is a retired Vancouver Police Officer from the department’s Dog Squad, so for as long as she can remember, she has been surrounded by bold, working German Shepherds. Deeply involved in the puppies’ early training and socialization, spending many evenings and weekends laying scent tracks for the pups, crate training them and teaching them to play tug. After their first pup made it into formal Service Dog Training, Vanessa dedicated her “free time” to laying longer, more challenging tracks and (reluctantly) aiding in bite training.

    During high school the love of animals drove Vanessa to become a kennel assistant at the local veterinary clinic, which in turn motivated her to apply to University after graduation to become an Animal Health Technician.

    In 2008, Vanessa graduated as a Registered Animal Health Technician from Thompson Rivers University. Although the new career allowed her to help animals on an entirely new level, the number of dogs that were being surrendered to shelters or euthanized based on behavioral issues was overwhelming.

    Determined to find another way to aid these animals to possess long, happy lives, she began looking for a credible dog training programs that would teach her how to resolve behavioral issues. After attending one of fellow KPA-CTP Julie Shaw’s lectures at a veterinary conference, Vanessa learned about the Karen Pryor Academy and went on to pursue formal certification as a force free dog trainer.

    Vanessa has since added other certifications and logs numerous continuing education hours every year.

    Launching Sit Pretty Pet Services in Fort St John, BC in 2013, Vanessa now resides in Prince George, BC, with her husband Chris, their two daughters, and their rescue dog, Kaslo.

    In her spare time Vanessa is a foster parent for the BC SPCA, and enjoys reading and various writing projects.

  • Vanessa is proud to be one of only two trainers in Northern BC to become BC SPCA AnimalKind Accredited.

    In addition to her formal education, Vanessa has attended dog training and animal behavior seminars around North America, learning from experts in the field such as Ken Ramirez and Ken & Debbie Martin

  • Diploma in Veterinary Technology

    KPA-CTP, Graduate of the Karen Pryor Academy for Dog Trainers

    CTC, Graduate of the Academy for Dog Trainers

    Aggression in Dogs Master Course, Certificate of Completion

    Fear Free Certified Professional

    Living & Learning with Animals with Dr. Susan Friedman

  • Registered Veterinary Technologist with the BCVTA

    BC SPCA Accredited Trainer through AnimalKind

Miranda Casavant


Miranda has a genuine passion and interest in understanding animal behavior and using human training methods to build the loving bond we all strive to achieve with our pets. Miranda is available to our clients wanting in-person training in Fort St. John.

Please note that Miranda will be heading off on maternity leave in April. As a result, in-person classes and private training in Fort St. John will not be available for the time being.

  • Miranda was born in Whitecourt, AB and moved to Fort St John at a very young age. Previously a Journeyman Welder, Miranda was never truly satisfied with her job and wanted to find a way to turn her passion for dogs into a living.

    Miranda has had family dogs since she could remember, and always had a keen interest in teaching them things. She once taught her family’s Shit Zu a small obstacle course in their yard; he had to run up a set of stairs, walk over a wood suspension bridge and then go down a yellow slide.

    “I’ll never forget the look on his face when he completed the course, like he couldn’t wait for me to ask him to go again!”

    She also had another Shih Tzu, who would much prefer to be pushed around in a doll stroller than do any running around!

    “Every dog has its own personality, and that’s one of the things I find so interesting and amazing about dogs!”

    Vanessa met Miranda when she enrolled her beautiful white husky puppy “Yeti” in Sit Pretty’s Puppy Preschool classes. Miranda and Yeti were always the first students in class, and the last ones to leave. Miranda had so many questions, and good ones at that! Learning about clicker training and positive reinforcement was a game changer for Miranda.

    “I always enjoyed training our family pets but was only able to make it so far with them before we hit a wall. Learning about shaping and the clicker really opened my eyes to the possibilities we have as trainers. It’s really not as complicated as it seems when you get down to it!”

    Miranda started shadowing and assisting Sit Pretty’s group classes after Yeti graduated from Puppy Preschool and has not looked back! She now performs our demonstrations in class and regularly assists students as they work on training exercises with their own dogs in class. She has also shadowed and assisted with several private, behavioral modification cases, something she takes a keen interest in. She’s extremely excited to start her journey in dog training so she can better understand dogs, and help others understand them better as well.

    Miranda will continue assisting with group classes and private clients until she completes her education and certification!

  • ​Miranda is a graduate of the prestigious Karen Pryor Academy for Dog Trainers Program, and is now a Certified Training Partner with KPA. This certification complies with Sit Pretty’s current AnimalKind Accreditation standard and provides Miranda with a strong foundation in the world of dog training and behavior.

  • KPA-CTP, Graduate of the Karen Pryor Academy for Dog Trainers

Saira Maurer


Saira’s goals as a dog trainer are to assist clients in their training goals while continuing to share and expand her knowledge of force free training practices. Saira is available for behavior consultations, in-person training sessions in Prince George BC, and virtual private sessions.

  • My family was always the typical dog loving family with at least one black lab in the house. As a little girl I started off training my stuffed dog toys, and as I grew up, I evolved to training the family dog to go down slides at the playground. My passion for dog training blossomed when I watched my first local agility trial. When I got my first dog Jerzy 10 years ago, I enrolled in agility classes as soon as we were able. We competed in many trials in and around Prince George and in2018 we competed in the AAC BC/Yukon Regional Championship and qualified for Internationals.

    In 2017 I adopted my second dog, Ruger and quickly learned that he did not share the same agility ambitions. This led me to discover scent training, which ultimately influenced me to pursue a formal dog training education. I completed the Karen Pryor Academy’s Dog Training Certification program in 2020 as a Certified Training Partner.

    Since completing the KPA program I have welcomed twin girls to my family in addition to my wonderful stepdaughter who shows great interest (and talent) in dog training.

    For the past 5 years I have enjoyed working for the BC Wildfire Service but never felt enthusiastic about this career path, thus decided to pursue my true passion and being a profession in dog training.

  • Saira is a graduate of the prestigious Karen Pryor Academy for Dog Trainers Program, and is now a Certified Training Partner with KPA. This certification complies with Sit Pretty’s current AnimalKind Accreditation standard and provides Saira with a strong foundation in the world of dog training and behavior.

  • KPA-CTP, Graduate of the Karen Pryor Academy for Dog Trainers



My husband and I were so lucky to find Vanessa and her company Sit Pretty Pet Services.

We rescued a cute little Shih Tzu girl who was very timid, unsure and unfortunately used the house as a washroom. We did some private lessons, where Vanessa taught Zoey and I some basic training. These lessons helped us to bond and I believe taught Zoey that she was safe here. After some work Zoey no longer messed in the house and her personality started to shine.

My Husband and I do little training sessions with her now just for the fun of it and use Vanessa’s tips to teach her new tricks.
Later on we got a puppy named Luke, who we put into Vanessa’s Puppy Preschool group class. The classes were really good at giving me and my husband tools that we needed to teach Luke everything from the basics and socializing skills.
Thank you Vanessa for everything. You are such an amazing dog trainer!
— Danielle (Zoey & Luke's human)


The training we offer at Sit Pretty Pet Services is scientifically proven to be effective and provide lasting results.